Be bold. 

Take control of your financial situation.
Break the paycheck to paycheck cycle. 


Can you identify with any of these?

  • I am buried under a mountain of debt. (Credit cards, student loans, car payments...)

  • I have no savings. If I miss a paycheck, I can't buy groceries or pay the rent/mortgage.

  • Divorce (or other circumstances) wrecked my credit, and I have no idea how to begin to rebuild it.

  • I never learned to manage money. My family didn't talk about it.

  • I make money, but I spend every penny I make, and I don't know where it all goes.

  • I have so many bills there is never anything left over to save.

  • None of these apply to me, but I'm still struggling and want to know what you have to offer.

If you can identify, Financial Counseling can help.  You can change your financial situation with hard work and discipline.  Savvy Steward is here to guide and support you on that journey.   


What is Financial Counseling?

Financial Counseling is a combination of education, encouragement, and empowerment.  I get real and talk about the money issues that cause worry and keep people trapped in a mindset of poverty and lack.   

I educate people to make wise financial decisions. 

I encourage people and offer accountability when the going gets tough. 

I empower people to get it together financially so that they can enjoy abundant life.


What Does it Cost, and What Do I Get?

Chart your Course - $250

This planning and overview session gives you the Big Picture of your financial situation – from income and expenses to debt and credit. This session can stand on its own, or it can be the jumping off point for ongoing financial counseling.  You will receive a clear plan that outlines action steps you need to take in order to make changes to your situation. You can work through the steps yourself, or you can get help along the journey. The Big Picture covers the following topics:

  • Design a saving and spending plan that prioritizes your values and glorifies God.

  • Find extra money in your budget by eliminating excess and cutting unnecessary expenses.

  • Open interest bearing accounts and automate transfers to make saving easy.

  • Create a strategy and time line to pay down debt and become debt free.

  • Create a strategy to build or improve credit.

  • Define goals and put a plan in place to achieve them.

Set Sail with ongoing Financial Counseling - $150/month

Major financial changes take time, and many people need guidance and accountability for at least 3 to 6 months. Learning new financial habits can be difficult, and it helps to have some encouragement along the way. Ongoing counseling includes weekly or bi-weekly meetings for continued empowerment, accountability, and education. Email support is included throughout the month. We will outline specific action steps that you need to take before the next meeting so that you always have a clear plan along your journey to financial well being.

Financial Navigation Basics for Students/Young Adults - $85

This session is designed for students and young adults (ages 16-22) and emphasizes the importance of wise financial decisions early in life. We look at income and expenses and design an Action Plan that includes concrete steps for budgeting, saving, and building credit to create a strong financial foundation.

Learn the Ropes with a Single Financial Counseling Session - $90

If you have a question or need guidance in a particular area, you can schedule an individual session. This session is not as in-depth or as long as a Chart your Course session and is ideal for specific issues. If you want to Chart your Course but aren’t sure you want to commit to ongoing Financial Counseling, you can schedule these sessions as needed.

How does this process work?

If you are interested in working with me to take control of your finances, contact me to schedule a brief consultation call to make sure working together will be a good fit for both of us.

Then we will schedule a time to Chart your Course and get you started on a path to improving your financial outlook. All sessions are conducted remotely via telephone or video conference with screen sharing. 

You can make the decision at any time to schedule ongoing Financial Counseling sessions.

If I am already struggling with money, how am I supposed to afford Financial Counseling? 

Good question. 

Think of it as an investment in yourself and your future.  Most things you purchase have no value beyond the item itself.  When you take control of your finances, the value has a lasting impact on your life.  Invest in yourself now so that you can break free from financial worries and live abundantly. 

Still think you can't afford to invest in yourself?  Think again.

Go ahead and reach out.  Today could be the day to change your life. 

For questions or more information, please contact me.

"No one can serve two masters.  Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other.  You cannot serve both God and Money."  Matthew 6:24

*I am not a Financial Advisor or Financial Planner.  I do not sell investments, or offer investment advice.